Welcome to Shakespeare’s Sonnet Songs

Game Explanation

In this game, we transform modern pop songs into Shakespearean sonnets! We reference musicals, Disney hits, oldies, country ballads, rap anthems, contemporary tracks, and much more.


You begin with 20 points. Every correct guess earns +10 points, every incorrect guess deducts -5, and each hint used deducts -5. If your score hits 0, the game ends immediately.

A Few Tips

Remember that a sonnet is made up of 14 lines that can be broken into 4 stanzas. The first 3 stanzas are called QUATRAIN which means they have 4 lines each. The final stanza is a COUPLET. Each QUATRAIN contains a new idea or focus. The COUPLET is the KEY to understanding the sonnet.

Are you ready to decode the verse and match it to the modern tune?
